Test Application Development

Testing a chip is an essential, yet also costly matter for a chip manufacturer. We are committed to the most efficient and quality-oriented test solution, within the set time frame.

Testing chips is done by means of testing machines (Automated Test Equipment). A customized ‘test recipe’ explains to the machine exactly which actions are required to be performed. To come to a good test recipe, our Test Application Engineers first consult the client; the test specification is jointly devised. This states exactly how and what part of the chip will be tested, until we are sure that all the essential specifications of the chip are covered.
Subsequently, the testing program is developed and co-workers from Hardware Development see to an accompanying interface board that ensures that the signals from the testing machine arrive at the chip and vice versa. Then it is time for the debug-phase; this is where the engineer checks whether the testing program and the hardware were properly developed and whether the chip actually does what it is supposed to do. After the debug-phase there is the release of the test solution – which is always a great moment. Then we make sure that the test solution is neatly surrendered to the ultimate test location. It happens more and more often that we do this ourselves and, in case of higher volumes, we surrender it to a large testing company in Asia.